Sunday, August 31, 2008


Thursday we went for our second ultra-sound and got the shock of our lives..... There is ANOTHER baby! We are having Triplets! One of the embryos split after implantation so two of the babies are in the same sac and the other baby is in it's own sac.
We are very excited and shocked at the same time. We are still trying to take all of this in. We know that God has a plan and that He would not have given us this blessing if He didn't think we could handle it - but at the same time - what a SHOCK! It took us about a week to get used to the fact that we were having two babies and now to find out that we were having three really threw us, me especially, for a loop! We go back this coming Thursday to have another ultrasound to see if they can get a better look at the identicals.
I am feeling ok, not great. I am extremely tired and hungry all the time! But, on the bright side, I have not had any real sickness with this pregnancy. Just a small amount of queasiness if I don't eat soon enough.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

7 weeks 4 days

Starting to get BIG!

Excitement overload!

As if we couldn't be excited enough to find out that we were expecting... we found out on Monday that we are expecting TWINS!!!!! I got to see both of them on the ultrasound and hear their heartbeats! It was such a wonderful moment - when I heard their heartbeats I started crying! One is very photogenic and loves to has their picture taken and the other is the opposite! Their heartbeats were 119 and 121 so that is perfect! We feel so blessed and just cannot believe that our prayers have been answered! God is truly amazing and he never leaves us even when we are at our lowest. He was always there with us giving us strength and hope.
Thank you again, Lord! We are so very thankful and honored with this blessing!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

6 weeks!

This is me at 6 weeks... I feel like I look huge! LOL

Monday, August 11, 2008

Apparently I hit a nerve....

Ok - so apparently I hit a nerve with my last post!
To my dear friends... please know that I love you all and value your opinions even if I don't agree with them. I was mad and needed to vent.
End of story.....

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why do people say stupid things?

***Warning Rant***

I was asked on Friday if I was "out of the danger zone" yet. When I said that in a high risk pregnancy, you are never really out of the danger zone, the response I received was "Why are telling people then?"
That made me angry.
Why, after struggling for 6 years to get to this point, would we keep it a secret???
I understand that many woman choose not to tell anyone until they are out of their first trimester and that is great and wonderful - for THEM. It's not for me!
We have fought for many years and endured tests and procedures and answered just about every question regarding our sex life imaginable, and still we continued to fight for our dream even though at times we felt like giving up - but we never did.
I am not going to downgrade this pregnancy or make it seem any less than what it is by hiding it. This is an answered prayer for us and we are ecstatic to have this chance. We cannot wait to meet our little one(s) nor will we change our outlook on this pregnancy.
This is one of the happiest and exciting times in our lives and IF - GOD FORBID - something happens to this pregnancy we will deal with it at that time, but we refuse to live with a black cloud over our heads thinking the worst is going to happen. We lived in sadness for too long while we struggled with our infertility - and we refuse to allow that negativity to enter into our lives now.
So please - to everyone who has an opinion about the right time to "tell" people - remember that everyone has their own opinion about everything and to please keep it to yourself. Couples who suffer from infertility have to deal with comments that are hurtful all the time - raining on their parade after they succeed is just wrong. Please stop.
*steps off soap box*

4th beta back and other musings....

I went back to Dallas on Thursday and had another beta and some more blood work for the study. My beta number came back at 2873! If you don't know, the beta test measures the level of the HcG hormone which is the hormone that is produced during pregnancy. Dr's like to see it double every 48 - 72 hours. My beta's looked like this:
7/30 - 250
8/1 - 379
8/3 - 600
8/7 - 2873

My doctors are very pleased with how things are progressing! I go back on the 18th for my 1st ultrasound and am praying that we will be able to tell at that time if there is one or two! I have been comparing my beta numbers with my friend, Laura (who is the mother of twins) and they are very similar so that leads me to believe, along with the fact that I am already out of my normal pants, that we have a pair in there! I can't wait to find out!
On another topic, Amy and I went shopping today for bigger pants because I was very uncomfortable in my normal clothes the last couple of days. So, because I have an irrational fear of squishing the babies (LOL) we went to Motherhood today because they were having a sale. I got a matching set (top and pants) and pair of black slacks, another shirt and a tank top. I feel much better now that I have clothes that are more comfortable - even though many probably think it is way too early to buy maternity clothes - I don't care. I can't stand tight clothes and am uncomfortable walking around with my pants unbuttoned! LOL

Monday, August 4, 2008

It's official..........

We're Pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I waited to post it on here until we got our second beta results back to make sure that the numbers are rising and they are!
My first beta came in at 250 (they consider anything over 50 pregnant) and my second came in at 379. I went for another blood draw today since it didn't raise as high as they would have liked, but all in all, things are looking great!
I can't believe that this finally happened for us! We have waited for SO long and tried SO hard to have a family and our chance is finally here! We are still in shock and still can't quite believe it.
We are overjoyed and so excited to meet our little one(s)! We have an ultra-sound in a couple weeks to find out if both of our angels stuck around or just one - either way - we are ecstatic!
More to come!