Thursday, December 31, 2009

The last decade in pictures...
Sept 14, 2002
The day I married my best friend

Our First Baby, Cassie

8 Weeks Pregnant with Our Girls

24 Weeks Pregnant with the Girls
I made it to 29 Weeks and 1 Day
January 23, 2009
Our Angels are Born
Thank you God for our Precious Gifts!

Kaitlyn a Year Later
Taylor a Year Later

Leigha a Year Later
Our First Visit with Santa

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Some pictures from the girls first Christmas....

Shalyn, Taylor, Leigha, and Kat with their pretty bows in their hair
Taylor and her pretty bow

Leigha, riding the rocking horse and Nani and Papa's

Kaitlyn riding the rocking horse

Taylor was SO tired

Opening gifts on Christmas Eve with Grammy B

Kat and her pretty bow

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa Baby.....

We took the girls to see Santa on Sunday. They weren't sure what to think of him - but didn't cry at all!!! The Santa was really good too - very authentic! He had no qualms whatsoever about holding all 3 of them either! It was SO cute! Can't wait for Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy 11 Month birthday girls!

My babies are 11 months old today! Am I the only one in awe of how fast this year has flown by?! This time last year, I was flat on my back in the hospital praying that I could keep them in long enough for them to be ok. Today, they are perfect, wonderful, healthy little girls! We are so blessed!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Baby Shower Post Infertility

So today I attended my first baby shower for a friend since having the girls. I have to thank God for the lightness in my heart today and not feeling the dread that I normally felt at those types of functions for so many years.

Infertility affects so many aspects of your life and bleeds into every area whether you try to keep it separate or not - it was nice today to be able to enjoy myself and be thankful for the 3 beautiful blessings that we've been given.

Thank you, God, for my 3 little girls!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holy Crap I hate the weather changes

Does anyone else's children go completely BERZERK when the weather changes??? Man alive! The girls have been SO cranky today!! Everyone tells me its from the weather but it's driving me nuts! I'm gonna have to move someplace that doesnt have funky weather like CO! LOL

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have a lot to be thankful for this year for sure. I always tend to get a bit sentimental and thoughtful around this time of year and reflect on the year we've had and the blessings we've been given.
While this year has been hard learning how to take care of 3 babies at one time, it's been a good hard. I wouldn't change my life for the world - although sometimes I would trade one of them for a good nights sleep! Ha! Just kidding - not a chance!
As most peple do this time of year, The Florian Clan would like to wish everyone a WONDERUFL and BLESSED Thanksgiving and Christmas season!
As we are spending times with our loved ones, I ask that you keep the Lawrence, Patterson, and Wilkinson/Pautzke family in your prayers.... friends who have sufferred losses this year and have continued to push on and make it through. While the Wilkinson/Pautzke sufferred a horrible loss just weeks ago, they welcomed a perfect little man into the world yesterday! Welcome and Happy Birthday little Connor Gene!
God Bless you all!

My favorite quote: ~ Only Blessings, Never Losses~ It's not what you gather but rather scatter that tells the kind of life you've lived.

Monday, November 9, 2009

School Pics

The Child Devolopment Center took pictures of the girls and they are crazy cute!! Check them out!

Taylor - 9 months

Leigha - 9 Months

Kaitlyn - 9 Months

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The girls first Halloween was a blast! Leigha was a pumpkin, Taylor was a flower, and Kaitlyn was a pink cat. They were SO cute! We took them to the mall with their cousins and Grammy.

Stephen was Michael Jackson, Sawyer was an Army guy, and Shalyn was Princess Belle. They were all very adorable!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sitting up and other news

Well, lets see - we're 9 months old now! WOW! I think every mom says "where has the time gone?" but seriously??? Where has the time gone?
This time last year I was on bed rest at home and in just 3 weeks will mark my admission into the hospital for 3 months. Crazy to think that almost an entire year has passed since then!

We had our well-baby appointment yesterday and the girls are all doing wonderful! They are all within the scale as far as height and Kat and Leigha are with their weights. Taylor is still just right under the scale - but she's still doing awesome!

Kaitlyn is 16lbs 11oz
Leigha is 15lbs 150z
Taylor is 14lbs 8.8oz

They are so big compared to just a couple months ago!

All of the girls are sitting up, not well, but sitting none the less. Leigha is starting to crawl a bit. Kaitlyn would much rather play on her back and talk to the ceiling! LOL Taylor can push herself up and is trying to get her legs under her, but none of them have quite figured it out yet.

Yesterday at school, Kat was waving a toy around and smacked Taylor in the head with it -so now we're sporting a big ol' bruise and bump! LOL

Shalyn has given them several Elmo toys that they love. The most recent is a ball that when you push one side it has Elmos voice and the other side is cookie monster. Chris showed Taylor one time that you had to hit the button on the mouth and now she trys to smack it - she is SO smart! Oh and don't let one of them get the Elmo see and say from the other because they will roll over and lay on it so whoever had it first can't get it back! ROFL! Sibling rivalry already begins! LOL

We wish you all a very happy Halloween and can't wait to show off the pictures in our costumes! Stay tuned!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Talking away

Taylor has really started becoming vocal and trying to mimic Chris and I. Check her out! So flippen cute!

Friday, September 11, 2009

See my teeth???

Taylor was quite proud to show her Auntie Shelly her new teeth!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome to Parenthood....

This is an expression that I have heard a million times in the last 7 months. I would laugh and think "Ha Ha Ha.....Yeah Yeah Yeah..." I also remember my sister saying after having their first son that she truly realized her husband was a daddy when they had just had Stephen and Scott had spit up on one side of his shirt, pee on the other and was wiping some other bodily fluid on his shorts! LOL (Not the exact words but you get the picture.)
I never gave much thought to that saying until the weekend when I was sicker than a dog and just wanted to lay around and sleep but alas that wasn't to be. I still had to function as "mommy" with a 100 degree temp and coughing my head off. I was so used to being about to just take care of myself and not have to worry about Chris or anything or anyone else - but this time was different for sure. Now, lets just pray and hope that the girls don't get this "doozy of a cold" (more on that later)! LOL

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Family Portraits

Our Angels~ Taylor, Leigha and Kaitlyn

Our Family

The Girls - 7 Months Old

The girls and their favorite cousins!
Leigha and Sawyer, Kaitlyn and Stephen and Taylor and Shalyn

Monday, August 17, 2009

My birthday discovery

Yesterday I turned 35 and although my spirit doesn't feel 35, boy does my body! I feel it every time I get on the floor with the girls or carry them upstairs and my knees pop and send shooting pains down my shins but would I trade it all for a younger body - NO WAY! This is the body that gave me (all be it reluctantly) my 3 beautiful daughters! This is the body that my husband loves, cellulite and all! LOL It's mine - all the cracks and creaks and aches and pains - and it is 35!! Wahoo - sliding right on in to 40!!! ROFL!

We had a BBQ at mom and dad's house for my birthday and had a wonderful time! The girls are so big and love to be held and put on a show for everyone! It was lots of laughs and Awwws when they did something uber cute - which of course was every second! LOL Although, they had some stick competition with their cousins! I can't believe how big Stephen, Sawyer and Shae are - its crazy how fast time flies!

Finally... drum roll please..... Taylor has 2 TEETH!!!! I was holding her and she put my finger in her mouth and I felt them just a split second before she bit me!! ROFL! Little stinker!!!

All the cousins:

3 generations of Gordons:

Taylor loves her Auntie Shelly:

Leigha playing on the floor:

Shalyn and Kat:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kat and Pee Pee Diaper

For some reason, whenever I say Pee Pee Diaper - Kat rolls! We were able to get her laughing on video last weekend. Pretty darn cute if I do say so myself! LOL

Friday, July 31, 2009

Visit with Great Great Aunt Josie

Last Friday, mom and I took the girls down to see my Great Aunt Josephine. She is 96 years old and the last of my grandmothers family. She was just tickled pink to meet them and kept saying how precious they were!
The girls were SO well behaved too! I was very proud of them!
Aunt Josie started talking about the old days while we were there and how if her kitchen table could talk - the stories it would tell! I love it when the older folks in our family start to tell stories - its just SO much fun!

Great Uncle Tony with Leigha, Great Aunt Jill with Kaitlyn and Great Great Aunt Josie with Taylor!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The developmental specialist...

The Developmental Specialist came today and evaluated the girls. She is VERY pleased with their progress and actually told us that they base their development on their adjusted age until they are 2 years old and based on their adjusted age, they are actually ahead in their development!! Wahoo!
That is SUCH a relief for us! I was starting to get a little concerned because they weren't doing what the others in their class are, but now that I know their development is based on their adjusted age - they ROCK!
So happy to hear that! They girls are just perfect in every way!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy 6 Month Birthday Baby Girls!

Yes - you read that right - 6 months! And no I cannot believe that they are already 6 months old! It is truly amazing how time is flying with them!
To update - they are all off of oxygen, the hole in Kat and Leigha's heart has closed, they are all starting to roll and will be crawling soon I am sure.
They smile, they laugh, they talk and they LOVE LOVE LOVE their daddy!

We are truly blessed!

We love you baby girls! You are our world!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A year ago today

Exactly one year ago today we were laying in the doctors office praying with all our might that our IVF would work - now look at us!
3 BEAUTIFUL perfectly wonderful daughters in an answer to that prayer!

Thank you God!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

2 down, 1 to go

Leigha passed the O2 test with a 94%! Yippee! Only one left is little Tator tot and we're done with oxygen!
We are going to transition to the cribs this weekend so mommy and daddy can sleep in their bed! Wahoo! Wish us luck!

Friday, July 3, 2009

What a difference a year makes...

Wow - it's hard to believe that this time last year we were on our way to Texas to start our IVF treatment. Now look at us..... 3 months in the hospital, 10 weeks in the NICU and 2 months later and we have 3 gorgeous, healthy, wonderful daughters!

Some memories from this last year....
Getting accepted into the study to do IVF and going through the process.

Seeing the first pictures of our babies (Embryos) .....

Hearing the words from the nurse "I have good news! Your beta was 250! Congratulations!" and Chris and I looking at each other in the hotel room and just hugging and crying!
Going for our first ultrasound and seeing 2 sacs and the doctor telling us it was twins!

Going back a week later and learning it was actually triplets!!!!

Calling my dad and telling him and hearing his reaction of "Oh my goodness..... well God certainly answered everyone's prayers! Guess I can tell them to quit praying now!" LOL!!!!!

Finding out that they were all girls and Chris's first reaction of "Oh my God - 3 weddings!" ROFL!

Spending 3 months in the hospital on bedrest and meeting some of the most beautiful people that I have ever met and will be eternally grateful to for taking care of me and my girls!

For being shown by God that life isn't always as bad as you think it is and that there is always someone who has a tougher fight and to not feel sorry for yourself. Trust in Him and you will prevail.
For learning the true meaning of Faith.
Waking up on the morning on January 23rd thinking I had the flu and going to sleep that night a mommy!

Seeing the look on Chris's face when he came to see me in recovery after my c-section and the look of pure shock and adoration on his face.

Seeing my beautiful girls for the first time at 10pm that night.

Spending every day in the NICU after they were born and watching them meet all the milestones they had to meet before they could come home.

Bringing Leigha home first and our first night together with Grandma helping!

Bringing home Kaitlyn and Taylor the next day to Uncle Scotts 40th birthday party!

Our first Mothers Day

Our first Fathers Day

First smiles and laughter


We have already experienced a lot of firsts in this year and are looking forward to many many more!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1 down, 2 to go

Kat passed the O2 test so she is officially off of the oxygen! Leigha has to repeat her's since we were having trouble with the pulse ox staying on her foot - but the dr is pretty sure she'll pass as well!
Yippee! 1 down - 2 to go!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Some random pics from this month

Taylor was laughing at Daddy

Kat after her bath
Leigha after her bath
Tay after her bath
Taylor our little professor LOL

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

4 Month Check - up and Happy Birthday!!

Happy 5 Month Birthday Baby Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had our 4 month check-up on Thursday and the girls are doing awesome!

Kaitlyn weighs 11lbs 15oz
Taylor weighs 9lbs 7oz
and Leigha weighs 11lbs 5oz!!!

Gosh I can't believe how big they are! Still bity compared to other babies their age - but awesome for how early they were born!

Little Tator Tot (Taylor)

Katie Bug (Kaitlyn)

Lady Bug (Leigha)

Kat and Ladybug hanging out on the floor