Wow - it's hard to believe that this time last year we were on our way to Texas to start our IVF treatment. Now look at us..... 3 months in the hospital, 10 weeks in the NICU and 2 months later and we have 3 gorgeous, healthy, wonderful daughters!
Some memories from this last year....
Getting accepted into the study to do IVF and going through the process.

Seeing the first pictures of our babies (Embryos) .....
Hearing the words from the nurse "I have good news! Your beta was 250! Congratulations!" and Chris and I looking at each other in the hotel room and just hugging and crying!
Going for our first ultrasound and seeing 2 sacs and the doctor telling us it was twins!
Going back a week later and learning it was actually triplets!!!!

Calling my dad and telling him and hearing his reaction of "Oh my goodness..... well God certainly answered everyone's prayers! Guess I can tell them to quit praying now!" LOL!!!!!
Finding out that they were all girls and Chris's first reaction of "Oh my God - 3 weddings!" ROFL!
Spending 3 months in the hospital on bedrest and meeting some of the most beautiful people that I have ever met and will be eternally grateful to for taking care of me and my girls!
For being shown by God that life isn't always as bad as you think it is and that there is always someone who has a tougher fight and to not feel sorry for yourself. Trust in Him and you will prevail.
For learning the true meaning of Faith.
Waking up on the morning on January 23rd thinking I had the flu and going to sleep that night a mommy!
Seeing the look on Chris's face when he came to see me in recovery after my c-section and the look of pure shock and adoration on his face.
Seeing my beautiful girls for the first time at 10pm that night.
Spending every day in the NICU after they were born and watching them meet all the milestones they had to meet before they could come home.

Bringing Leigha home first and our first night together with Grandma helping!
Bringing home Kaitlyn and Taylor the next day to Uncle Scotts 40th birthday party!
Our first Mothers Day

Our first Fathers Day

First smiles and laughter


We have already experienced a lot of firsts in this year and are looking forward to many many more!!!