Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Prayer Request
I am asking that you all pray for the Lawrence family. Logan was one of the guys on my crew at work and he passed away on Sunday morning at the age of 23. He leaves behind a wife and 2 very young children.
Please keep his family in your prayers. His death was quite a shock to everyone.
Thank you
Monday, February 23, 2009
Happy 1 Month Birthday!!!
They got to see Mamma Jan today and Taylor was quite comfy with her and fussed when we put her back into the crib! She didn't want to leave Mamma's arms!
They have grown so much! You can really tell the difference in their faces and arms. They are starting to chunk it out for sure! They are opening their eyes and trying to follow whoever comes into the room. They look at the lights and will look at you when you're talking to them. The best part is that they are smiling now! They all have THE cutest grins and are very happy babies! We are enjoying watching their personalities come out as they get older and comparing them to how they were while I was pregnant with them. It's amazing how alike their personalities are as when they were inside!
Here are some pictures from the last month -
Taylor - 1 Week Old
Taylor - 4 Weeks Old

Leigha - 1 Week Old
Leigha - 4 Weeks Old

Kaitlyn - 1 Week Old

Kaitlyn - 4 Weeks Old

Saturday, February 21, 2009
We have hit the 3 pound mark!!
Taylor is 3lbs even
Leigha is 3lbs 1oz.
Kaitlyn is 3lbs 4oz.
They are still doing really awesome! Their personalities are really starting to come through! Taylor and Leigha put on quite the show for Grandma B and I this afternoon!
Leigha was smiling and pushing herself up with her feet so it looked like she was jumping! LOL
Taylor had her eyes wide open and was holding onto her pacifier and just sucking away! It was SO cute!
Here is a short clip of all the girls in their crib. Taylor is on the far left of the crib, Leigha is in the middle and Kaitlyn is on the far right.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Happy 4 Week Birthday Baby Girls!
Each girl has their own crib, so it's not an issue- but they sure look cute in the same crib!
Taylor and Leigha have been increased to the 24 calorie formula and Kaitlyn is on the 20 calorie formula. They are all still on oxygen, but their amounts are low. Oxygen is very common for babies here due to the altitude. They are also going to start bottle feeding them this coming week which is the last thing that they have to learn before they can come home! We are very proud of our little girls and how well they are doing! They are certainly little fighters!
Here are all the girls together once again!
Taylor, Leigha, and Kaitlyn

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy 3 Week Birthday Baby Girls!
Taylor is weighing 2lbs 12 oz.
Leigha is weighing 2lbs 13.5 oz.
Kaitlyn is weighing 2lbs 14 oz.
Keep growing little ones so that you can come home!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Smiling baby....
Monday, February 9, 2009
More pics of the girls
Taylor sleeping peacefully

Taylor in her big girl outfit - it was HUGE on her!

Leigha sleeping peacefully

and again.... she is always sleeping! LOL

Kaitlyn sleeping like daddy.... she buries her face all the time! No tummy time for her once she comes home! HaHa

Kaitlyn sleeping peacefully....

I Never Knew
I never knew I could love so much,
until the day I felt your touch.
I softly kissed your tiny cheek,
and from under your lashes I saw you peek.
Your beautiful eyes so small and blue,
my sweet little baby just brand new.
I cannot wait to watch you grow,
from your little head to your tiny toes.
My daughter my love, my little joy,
my little angel, my baby doll toy.
I promise to love you with all my heart, I'm hear for you from the very start.
I'll comfort you when you cry,
I'll answer true when you ask me, Why?
While you grow be sweet and kind,
and show all others how much you shine.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Latest Pictures of the Triplets
Leigha has gained 5gms and is eating 17ml of formula.
Kaitlyn has gained 10gms and is eating 17ml of formula as well.
All of their oxygen has been turned down 1/2 way and they are slowly being weaned off of their glucose IV's. They are getting bigger and stronger daily and are taking big steps to coming home soon!
Leigha LOVES her binky. She will cry for it and when you give it her, she lets out a little sigh. She is already smiling and cooing and also loves to be held. She blessed Auntie Shelly, Nani, and Papa with her big toothless grin today to everyone’s surprise.
Kaitlyn is very strong and has moved herself completely off of her blankets at times. She will wave her arms at you and hold your hand. She also recognizes us and tries to pick her head up when she hears us. She grunts and coo’s at you when you hold her.