This is an expression that I have heard a million times in the last 7 months. I would laugh and think "Ha Ha Ha.....Yeah Yeah Yeah..." I also remember my sister saying after having their first son that she truly realized her husband was a daddy when they had just had Stephen and Scott had spit up on one side of his shirt, pee on the other and was wiping some other bodily fluid on his shorts! LOL (Not the exact words but you get the picture.)
I never gave much thought to that saying until the weekend when I was sicker than a dog and just wanted to lay around and sleep but alas that wasn't to be. I still had to function as "mommy" with a 100 degree temp and coughing my head off. I was so used to being about to just take care of myself and not have to worry about Chris or anything or anyone else - but this time was different for sure. Now, lets just pray and hope that the girls don't get this "doozy of a cold" (more on that later)! LOL