I took my last BCP today! Yeah!!!!
I went to the Dr. on Wednesday and got the go ahead to start the Lupron! I have been taking it since Wednesday and have no side effects so far - good news!!!!
The trip to Texas was interesting to say the least. The flight down and getting to the Dr's office was quite uneventful. I had to spend the time until my flight took off which was about 6 hours. I went to a movie and saw The Love Guru.... Holy Cow what a STUPID movie!!!!! Usually Mike Meyers is pretty funny, but this was just unbelievably lame. Then I spent the rest of the day shopping and checking out the area that we will be staying in while we are down there. I was bored and decided to try to get on the earlier flight to go home so I went to the airport about 5:00. Waited to see if I could get on stand-by which was a no go so I waited for my flight. It was late - OF COURSE. So finally, we board the plane about 30 minutes late and taxi out to the runway for takeoff when low and behold - a lightening storm rolls in. UGH! So, we sat on the runway for almost 2 hours waiting to take off which was annoying by itself but made even more so by Lolly Laughs A lot behind me and the Iraq War Profit in front of me! UGH!!! This womans laugh was SO annoying and the guy in front of me just thought he was the Einstein of the war! I swear - something is wrong in this world when your IPod full blast can't block out annoying people! LOL Thank God we don't fly the next time - not looking forward to the13 hour drive, but happy that I don't have to deal with strangers who laugh like witches!
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