Our fertilization report is here! Out of the 28 eggs that were retrieved - 22 of them fertilized! We are so excited! According to the embryologist, this is an awesome report and she was really impressed! We won't know how many are still alive until Monday when we go in for our transfer. It is scheduled for 12:30 on Monday afternoon. At that point, we will be able to see pictures of our babies and will hear what the others are graded. (Embryos are given grades based on certain characteristics and by how many cells they are - see below if interested.) On Monday, we will be able to watch them via ultra-sound implant the embryo's into me. I am really excited for that! That is going to be SO neat!!! We should have some embryo's left over to freeze to use again if we need to. Pray for our snow babies!
Numeric grading systems for multicell embryos usually have 4 levels:
Grade 1: even cell division, no fragmentation
Grade 2: even cell division, small fragmentation
Grade 3: uneven cell division, moderate fragmentation
Grade 4: uneven cell division, excessive fragmentation
Blastocysts are graded differently with a number and two letters.
The number refers to the degree of expansion of the blastocyst (1 is the least expanded, 6 is the most expanded). The first letter (A,B, or C) refers to the quality of the inner cell mass (the part of the blastocyst that is going to be the baby) and the second letter (A, B, or C) refers to the quality of the trophectoderm (the part of the blastocyst that is going to be the placenta).
Multicell embryos that recieve grade 1 or 2 often develop to the blastocyst stage, those receiving grade 3 or 4 rarely develop to the blastocyst stage.
1 comment:
I want to wish you a safe and happy transfer this afternoon and lots of sticky vibes!! Wishing you the best!
PS what an awesome fert report!! I hope I'm as lucky :)
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