The girls are finally all home with us! Leigha came home on Friday and Taylor and Kaitlyn came home on Sunday. We are doing great - just completely and utterly exhausted. The girls are eating about every 3 hours and Chris and I have their feedings down to about 45 minutes for all 3 which I think is pretty good actually.
We are having trouble getting them to sleep at night without us holding them. The only way we could get them to quiet down last night was to hold them so Chris held Kaitlyn and I held Leigha and Taylor on my chest and that's how we slept. Man - are they little heat boxes! Whew! Tonight we are trying something different. They are all scared of their big girl cribs, so we have Taylor in the bouncy seat and Kat and Leigha in bassinets. I DEFINATELY need to go get more bouncy seats!
Our moms and my sister have been SO much help and I don't know how we'll ever be able to thank them!
Thanks to everyone who has sent us their well wishes! I will try to update as much as possible - just know that for the next couple of weeks - we will be insane! LOL Oh and excuse all my grammer and typing errors - I'm on about 8 hours of sleep since Friday. LOL
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Our little chunker
The girls are gaining weight like crazy! As of Tuesday, their weights were:
Taylor - 4lbs 12oz
Leigha - 5lbs
Kaitlyn - 5lbs 4oz.
As of today - Taylor and Leigha are the same weights - Kaitlyn is up to 5lbs 110z!!! She LOVES to eat!!! They are doing awesome!
Their feeding tubes were taken out today so they are all taking their feedings from bottles now! We are taking their car seats to the hospital tomorrow to see how well they tolerate being in them and if they pass - they could possibly come home Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh! Everyone kept telling me they will pick it up 1 day and just be rockstars and I didn't really believe it until the doctor said they might be able to come home on Friday! WOW! Our Angels will finally be with us! Will keep you updated!
Taylor - 4lbs 12oz
Leigha - 5lbs
Kaitlyn - 5lbs 4oz.
As of today - Taylor and Leigha are the same weights - Kaitlyn is up to 5lbs 110z!!! She LOVES to eat!!! They are doing awesome!
Their feeding tubes were taken out today so they are all taking their feedings from bottles now! We are taking their car seats to the hospital tomorrow to see how well they tolerate being in them and if they pass - they could possibly come home Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh! Everyone kept telling me they will pick it up 1 day and just be rockstars and I didn't really believe it until the doctor said they might be able to come home on Friday! WOW! Our Angels will finally be with us! Will keep you updated!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Going Private
Everyone -
I wanted to give you all a chance before I made this blog private to send me a message and let me know you follow it and want to continue to have access.
When we (I) first started this blog - it was an infertility blog but now with our blessings - this has become a mommy blog and with becoming a mommy - comes the intense need to protect your child(ren). Because of this - as of April 1st, this blog will ONLY be open to readers who I know. If you would like to continue to read this blog, please send me a message at and let me know or leave me a comment and I will add you to the user list.
All you will have to do is sign in with the email address you ask me to add to the user list - and you will be able to read it normally.
Thanks in advance for understanding!
Sherry and the Girls
I wanted to give you all a chance before I made this blog private to send me a message and let me know you follow it and want to continue to have access.
When we (I) first started this blog - it was an infertility blog but now with our blessings - this has become a mommy blog and with becoming a mommy - comes the intense need to protect your child(ren). Because of this - as of April 1st, this blog will ONLY be open to readers who I know. If you would like to continue to read this blog, please send me a message at and let me know or leave me a comment and I will add you to the user list.
All you will have to do is sign in with the email address you ask me to add to the user list - and you will be able to read it normally.
Thanks in advance for understanding!
Sherry and the Girls
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Update: Poor Babies
I spent almost the entire day in the NICU today with the girls holding them and feeding them. They are doing a little better - but still VERY congested. They do MUCH better when they are being held so I spent about an hour and a half with each of the girls today, just holding them. Grandma B came and held Taylor for a while too, while mommy held Leigha and Kaitlyn.
Taylor took about 1/2 of her bottle before getting too tired and giving up. Leigha ate her entire bottle but it completely knocked her out, and Kat took about 3/4 of hers before giving up. They are SLOWLY getting better, but are doing better than the nurses / doctors expected them to. Poor sweet angels!
Even though they were miserable today- they still managed smiles for mommy that just melted my heart. They are so precious! I don't know how it's possible, but my love for them grows each day and I miss them so much when I am not at the hospital! Come home soon loves!
Taylor took about 1/2 of her bottle before getting too tired and giving up. Leigha ate her entire bottle but it completely knocked her out, and Kat took about 3/4 of hers before giving up. They are SLOWLY getting better, but are doing better than the nurses / doctors expected them to. Poor sweet angels!
Even though they were miserable today- they still managed smiles for mommy that just melted my heart. They are so precious! I don't know how it's possible, but my love for them grows each day and I miss them so much when I am not at the hospital! Come home soon loves!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Poor babies
We found out yesterday that the girls have the flu! We aren't sure where they contracted it from since no one that has visited them is sick, but regardless, they got it somewhere.
Poor little angels are very congested and having trouble breathing so they have upped their oxygen levels to help them a little bit. You can tell they don't feel good because they just want to cuddle and be held. It took every bit of strength to walk out of the hospital tonight and leave them after we got them to sleep. I know that I am a brand new mom, but I think the hardest thing so far is seeing your children sick! It is just HEARTBREAKING! I know that they are in the best place and that I need to let them rest and not get sick myself - but I just want to sit there all day and hold and cuddle them all day!
On the bright side - the nurses and doctor were very pleased with how they did last night and we are hoping and praying that this is a mild case of the flu and they kick it fast and get better.
This is really frustrating because it means that they girls will need to remain at the hospital for a couple more weeks now to ensure they are completely healthy. They aren't trying to bottle feed them as much while they are sick, so they won't learn it as quickly which was the last thing they had to learn before they could come home. *huge sigh* Our poor babies... Get well soon pumpkins! We love you!
Poor little angels are very congested and having trouble breathing so they have upped their oxygen levels to help them a little bit. You can tell they don't feel good because they just want to cuddle and be held. It took every bit of strength to walk out of the hospital tonight and leave them after we got them to sleep. I know that I am a brand new mom, but I think the hardest thing so far is seeing your children sick! It is just HEARTBREAKING! I know that they are in the best place and that I need to let them rest and not get sick myself - but I just want to sit there all day and hold and cuddle them all day!
On the bright side - the nurses and doctor were very pleased with how they did last night and we are hoping and praying that this is a mild case of the flu and they kick it fast and get better.
This is really frustrating because it means that they girls will need to remain at the hospital for a couple more weeks now to ensure they are completely healthy. They aren't trying to bottle feed them as much while they are sick, so they won't learn it as quickly which was the last thing they had to learn before they could come home. *huge sigh* Our poor babies... Get well soon pumpkins! We love you!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Happy 7 Week Birthday Baby Girls!
Tomorrow the girls will be 7 weeks old! Seems like just yesterday we were finding out we were pregnant! I hope they continue to do as well as they have been and begin taking all of their feedings from the bottle. Once they learn that - they can come home! We want them home SO badly and I hate leaving them every day! They are getting so big and have changed so much in the past couple of weeks!
Kaitlyn in her pretty new outfit. Isn't she beautiful?

Leigha in her new outfit! It has ruffles on the butt! LOL She is just perfect and so pretty!

Taylor in her pretty new outfit! What a wonderfully beautiful little peanut!
Kaitlyn in her pretty new outfit. Isn't she beautiful?

Leigha in her new outfit! It has ruffles on the butt! LOL She is just perfect and so pretty!

Taylor in her pretty new outfit! What a wonderfully beautiful little peanut!

Just 2 things...
I was tagged by Cece so here goes!
Two names you go by
1. Sherry
2. Gorgeous
Two things you're wearing now:
1. Blue sweater
2. Jeans
Two things you would want in a relationship:
1. Honesty
2. Respect
Two of your favorite things to do:
1. Spend time with my family and friends
2. Music
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. For our girls to be released from the NICU
2. To be out of debt
Two things you did yesterday:
1. Went to see the girls at the hospital
2. Made dinner
Two things you ate yesterday:
1. Shepherds Pie
2. Banana Nut Muffin
Two people you last talked to:
1. My Sister
2. My husband
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Going to the hospital
2. Going out to dinner with friends
Two favorite holidays:
1. Thanksgiving
2. Christmas
Two favorite beverages:
1. Dr Pepper
2. Ice Tea
Two people no longer alive that you'd like to talk to:
1 & 2. My grandmothers
Two people you are tagging to fill this out:
1. Lea
2. Joy
Two names you go by
1. Sherry
2. Gorgeous
Two things you're wearing now:
1. Blue sweater
2. Jeans
Two things you would want in a relationship:
1. Honesty
2. Respect
Two of your favorite things to do:
1. Spend time with my family and friends
2. Music
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. For our girls to be released from the NICU
2. To be out of debt
Two things you did yesterday:
1. Went to see the girls at the hospital
2. Made dinner
Two things you ate yesterday:
1. Shepherds Pie
2. Banana Nut Muffin
Two people you last talked to:
1. My Sister
2. My husband
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Going to the hospital
2. Going out to dinner with friends
Two favorite holidays:
1. Thanksgiving
2. Christmas
Two favorite beverages:
1. Dr Pepper
2. Ice Tea
Two people no longer alive that you'd like to talk to:
1 & 2. My grandmothers
Two people you are tagging to fill this out:
1. Lea
2. Joy
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Our Valentines Day gifts from the girls
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Bottles and Belly's and Burping Oh My!!!
The girls have started bottle feeding! Yippee!!!
We had the initial evaluation for bottle feeding last Thursday with the physical therapist. Taylor tried but ended up choking a little bit so the PT decided she was a little too young to bottle feed. Kaitlyn was a little bit better but she acted very confused as to why something came out of this nipple and didn't come out of the pacifier. She would suck and get the milk and then get this funny look on her face and then swallow the milk. Leigha was right on it! She ate 31ml from the bottle the first time out of the gate! She did fantastic! Since Thursday, all of the girls have started to bottle feed. Taylor took 2 of her feedings from a bottle this morning, Leigha took 1, and Kaitlyn took 1 using a standard nipple - not a preemie nipple! They are all taking over an ounce at each feeding and keeping it down and not sucking too much air in and creating gas. Once they take all of their feeds from a bottle they can come home!
Now, with all this good news about bottles and burping - it's time for another weight update!
Taylor is now 4lbs 3oz
Leigha is now 4lbs 6oz and
Kaitlyn is now 4lbs 9oz!
They are gaining at least 40 grams each night! They are wearing their own clothes from home and are awake much more now! They are so precious!
The girls at 6 weeks old:
We had the initial evaluation for bottle feeding last Thursday with the physical therapist. Taylor tried but ended up choking a little bit so the PT decided she was a little too young to bottle feed. Kaitlyn was a little bit better but she acted very confused as to why something came out of this nipple and didn't come out of the pacifier. She would suck and get the milk and then get this funny look on her face and then swallow the milk. Leigha was right on it! She ate 31ml from the bottle the first time out of the gate! She did fantastic! Since Thursday, all of the girls have started to bottle feed. Taylor took 2 of her feedings from a bottle this morning, Leigha took 1, and Kaitlyn took 1 using a standard nipple - not a preemie nipple! They are all taking over an ounce at each feeding and keeping it down and not sucking too much air in and creating gas. Once they take all of their feeds from a bottle they can come home!
Now, with all this good news about bottles and burping - it's time for another weight update!
Taylor is now 4lbs 3oz
Leigha is now 4lbs 6oz and
Kaitlyn is now 4lbs 9oz!
They are gaining at least 40 grams each night! They are wearing their own clothes from home and are awake much more now! They are so precious!
The girls at 6 weeks old:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Big Girls!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Lord, please tell me they aren't already learning to sucker Mommy!
The latest update on the girls has mommy wondering if they have already learned how to sucker her and daddy laughing his tail off about it!
So, today I go to the hospital at their care times to help change their diapers and take their temperatures. I walk in and they are all sound asleep and being little angels - or should I say hiding their horns QUITE well! LOL
I start with Taylor because that is how the nurses do it. I take her temp and change her diaper which she had the forethought to save the "best" diaper for mommy of course! Well she starts fussing because she doesn't like her diaper changed and wanted to continue to sleep. So I get her all clean, dry and settled and move onto Leigha and Kaitlyn.
Now let me tell you that Leigha can give any full grown man a run for their money in the department of who is stinkier! Man! That little girl leaves some crazy presents for mommy!! LOL So it takes me a little longer to change her and get her cleaned up. By the time I was done with Leigha, Kaitlyn was QUITE upset that she wasn't getting any attention yet. I move onto Kaitlyn and get her all cleaned up and help the nurse suction her nose out because she has been really congested lately - poor baby! After that, she quieted down and went back to sleep.
Taylor was asleep and Leigha was awake so I picked up Leigha and was holding her and humming to her. Well after about 10 minutes, Taylor figures out that Mommy is holding Leigha and NOT her! So she starts squirming and fussing around. I would lean in and put the binkie in her mouth and she would quiet down for like 5 minutes. She finally got wise to what I was doing and just started bawling at the top of her lungs! I didn't want her to wake Kaitlyn and Leigha up, so I put Leigha down and picked her up to try to figure out what was wrong with her. Well, low and behold, guess who quiets down IMMEDIATELY and falls fast asleep! LOL Little stinker just wanted me to hold her and NOT her sister! Oh boy - are we in for it or what?! LOL
So, today I go to the hospital at their care times to help change their diapers and take their temperatures. I walk in and they are all sound asleep and being little angels - or should I say hiding their horns QUITE well! LOL
I start with Taylor because that is how the nurses do it. I take her temp and change her diaper which she had the forethought to save the "best" diaper for mommy of course! Well she starts fussing because she doesn't like her diaper changed and wanted to continue to sleep. So I get her all clean, dry and settled and move onto Leigha and Kaitlyn.
Now let me tell you that Leigha can give any full grown man a run for their money in the department of who is stinkier! Man! That little girl leaves some crazy presents for mommy!! LOL So it takes me a little longer to change her and get her cleaned up. By the time I was done with Leigha, Kaitlyn was QUITE upset that she wasn't getting any attention yet. I move onto Kaitlyn and get her all cleaned up and help the nurse suction her nose out because she has been really congested lately - poor baby! After that, she quieted down and went back to sleep.
Taylor was asleep and Leigha was awake so I picked up Leigha and was holding her and humming to her. Well after about 10 minutes, Taylor figures out that Mommy is holding Leigha and NOT her! So she starts squirming and fussing around. I would lean in and put the binkie in her mouth and she would quiet down for like 5 minutes. She finally got wise to what I was doing and just started bawling at the top of her lungs! I didn't want her to wake Kaitlyn and Leigha up, so I put Leigha down and picked her up to try to figure out what was wrong with her. Well, low and behold, guess who quiets down IMMEDIATELY and falls fast asleep! LOL Little stinker just wanted me to hold her and NOT her sister! Oh boy - are we in for it or what?! LOL
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