The girls are finally all home with us! Leigha came home on Friday and Taylor and Kaitlyn came home on Sunday. We are doing great - just completely and utterly exhausted. The girls are eating about every 3 hours and Chris and I have their feedings down to about 45 minutes for all 3 which I think is pretty good actually.
We are having trouble getting them to sleep at night without us holding them. The only way we could get them to quiet down last night was to hold them so Chris held Kaitlyn and I held Leigha and Taylor on my chest and that's how we slept. Man - are they little heat boxes! Whew! Tonight we are trying something different. They are all scared of their big girl cribs, so we have Taylor in the bouncy seat and Kat and Leigha in bassinets. I DEFINATELY need to go get more bouncy seats!
Our moms and my sister have been SO much help and I don't know how we'll ever be able to thank them!
Thanks to everyone who has sent us their well wishes! I will try to update as much as possible - just know that for the next couple of weeks - we will be insane! LOL Oh and excuse all my grammer and typing errors - I'm on about 8 hours of sleep since Friday. LOL
congrats on having the girls at home! I am so proud of you taking care of all 3 babies by yourselves. You are an awesome Momma!
Do you think the girls are afraid of sleeping alone with all that space in their cribs? Could they all fit into one crib for now (with sleep positioners) until they get used to their new environment? At least if they could be more comfortable in their room, you and Chris could get a little more sleep during the times that the girls aren't eating...Just a suggestion. Good luck, you guys are doing so great! I'm proud of you :)
Sherry, just stoppping by, to say hi and wondering how you're doing with your little miracles being at home !!! They are sooo adorable !! I hope you get some sleep and lots of help ... Happy April 1st
Molly (autumn beautiful)
Sherry! OMG how exciting to finally have the girls home! You must be one busy momma!! Sending all my love!
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