The girls are eating about every 3 hours so needless to say we aren't getting much sleep.
We have also discovered that they are scared of their cribs and since we were told not to let them sleep in the same crib together due to SIDS, the only other thing I could think of was to put them in laundry baskets - so that's what we did!
Taylor has a bit of reflux - so she is sleeping in her papason chair (thank you Laura!) and Kat and Leigha are sleeping in the baskets. It is working out great so far! Now, I just have to figure out how to acclimate them to the cribs. I have been asking my friends who also have multiples for their suggestions and have gotten some pretty good ones - so we'll try some of those. I am amazed at how different the information is that everyone gets from the hospitals. We were told not to let them sleep together at all but several of my friends have put their children together in the cribs and weren't told that at all.
We also had to complete infant CPR, watch about a half a dozen videos, and do a car seat trial before the girls were released to us, while others just walk right out with their kids. Makes me wonder if it wouldn't be beneficial for all new parents to at least be required to take infant CPR but who knows. Amazing how all places are different.
That's about it for now - Leigha is starting to sqwuak so looks like I am back to feeding or changing someone! LOL Any advice anyone has is MUCH appreciated!
Here are some recent pics of the girls -
Taylor and Daddy all tuckered out


Leigha and her milk mouth :)

Leigha and Kaitlyn holding hands - is that not THE cutest thing ever?

The new sleeping quarters. For the low low price of $7.99 you too can enjoy this type of comfort! LOL (Kaitlyn)

All of the girls together - Look how small Taylor is compared to Leigha and Kaitlyn! Little tiny peanut!

The girls looks so cute. Can't wait to see them again. you are doing a marvelous job.
Hey Sherry,
Have you thought of sticking the "whole" laundry basket in the cribs since they are used to the baskets now? I've heard of people who let their kids sleep in the carriers doing that so they were comfy in the carrier, but could get used to the crib...then move out of the carrier.
I don't know if it will work, but it could be worth a try! :-)
You're doing a GREAT job with the girls...I don't know if I would have had your strength to have had more than one for my first! Also...send me your email so I can add you to my blog if you have TIME to read other blogs. LOL!
Oh wow that last picture is something, is she really so smaller or is it just the angle? They are so cute !!
And im also going to take cpr, even if for one single baby. I agree, every parent should know it, absolutely !!
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