Thursday, June 11, 2009

Talking to the Angels

I believe in Angels……I believe that our loved ones can come back after they’ve passed and visit us…. I believe that if we are open to it, we can communicate with them...I believe that babies are open because they don’t know any different and I believe our girls are talking to them when they are on the changing table. Every time we put one of the girls on the changing table, they look up at the ceiling and smile and laugh and talk. It’s one of the cutest things I think I’ve ever seen! We call it “talking to the Angels”. Whether they are actually seeing an Angel or our grandparents or something/one else – who knows – but whatever they are seeing sure does make them laugh! I like to think they are seeing our grandparents and Great Grandpa Howard is making silly faces at them while Great Grandma Betty is getting on him for teasing them. Or they're seeing Great Grandpa Lou who is drawing them pictures of trash trucks and Great Grandma Antoinette is showing them how to make poticia. This gives me comfort to think that my grandparents are looking in on our lives and can see the girls since none of them got to meet them in person.

I hope the girls are bringing as much joy to them as they are to the girls.

1 comment:

C said...

My mom used to say this all the time when my youngest brother was a baby. He would stare up and just start talking and smiling up a storm. Mom would say of he must be talking with the angels. I love the idea of it all!
