Thursday, December 31, 2009

The last decade in pictures...
Sept 14, 2002
The day I married my best friend

Our First Baby, Cassie

8 Weeks Pregnant with Our Girls

24 Weeks Pregnant with the Girls
I made it to 29 Weeks and 1 Day
January 23, 2009
Our Angels are Born
Thank you God for our Precious Gifts!

Kaitlyn a Year Later
Taylor a Year Later

Leigha a Year Later
Our First Visit with Santa

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Some pictures from the girls first Christmas....

Shalyn, Taylor, Leigha, and Kat with their pretty bows in their hair
Taylor and her pretty bow

Leigha, riding the rocking horse and Nani and Papa's

Kaitlyn riding the rocking horse

Taylor was SO tired

Opening gifts on Christmas Eve with Grammy B

Kat and her pretty bow

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa Baby.....

We took the girls to see Santa on Sunday. They weren't sure what to think of him - but didn't cry at all!!! The Santa was really good too - very authentic! He had no qualms whatsoever about holding all 3 of them either! It was SO cute! Can't wait for Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy 11 Month birthday girls!

My babies are 11 months old today! Am I the only one in awe of how fast this year has flown by?! This time last year, I was flat on my back in the hospital praying that I could keep them in long enough for them to be ok. Today, they are perfect, wonderful, healthy little girls! We are so blessed!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Baby Shower Post Infertility

So today I attended my first baby shower for a friend since having the girls. I have to thank God for the lightness in my heart today and not feeling the dread that I normally felt at those types of functions for so many years.

Infertility affects so many aspects of your life and bleeds into every area whether you try to keep it separate or not - it was nice today to be able to enjoy myself and be thankful for the 3 beautiful blessings that we've been given.

Thank you, God, for my 3 little girls!