Sunday, March 21, 2010

1 in 8 will be affected.....

Hard to believe that out of my close network of friends, that 1 in 8 of will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Even harder to believe that it happened!

One of my best friends, Nikki, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer on March 11, 2010! She is terrified, worried, angry, and every other emotion in the book.....
We are trying to raise money for her and family to help out since she will have to take a lot of time off of work and doesn't have health insurance.

Please visit: to read about her progress and donate if you're able to!

Breast Cancer is a horrible disease and we all need to fight to help find a cure!
Thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

K said...

Sherry- I am so incredibly sorry to hear of your friend's diagnosis. I have been touched in my personal life by B.C as well, and both have had positive outcomes. I donated $20.00 to your friend. I know it isn't much, but I just had to donate something, especially since you have been so supportive of me. <3