Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Holy Cow! Where to begin????

Ok ok -I know I know - I have been a HORRIBLE blogger and have not updated my blog in ages! So much has been going on that my head has been spinning!
First and foremost - We are ecstatic to announce that we are expecting 3 GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are very excited and of course nervous - but aren't all new parents? We have names picked out for all of them so far and have begun referring to them with their names. It is amazing to think that all those bumps and nudges I feel are our DAUGHTERS!!!!
Secondly, we have had a few complications in the last couple of weeks and that contributed to my lack of blogging for sure!
Apparently I have a weak cervix and it cannot handle the weight of the babies, so I had to have a cerclage put in and was put on bedrest. Well, I made it a week at home before I was admitted to the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy.
We are praying that I can keep the girls where they are for another 9 weeks but have decided to have the steroid shots given in the next couple of weeks to help mature their lungs and skin. The longer I can keep them inside, the better chance they have for sure, but we did make it to a milestone as far as the doctors here are concerned which was 22 weeks. They have had a lot of success here with survival rates at this gestational age so that made us feel better - but we still are aiming for full term (32 weeks).
The girls are all weighing about 1lb a piece and the doctors are very happy about that. Since they are all right about the same weight - that is an indicator that they will not have TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome). Since baby b and c share the same sac and placenta - they were concerned about that. I am sure that I have forgotten a ton of things, but that is the jist of what has been going this month.
I will be in the hospital for the next couple of months - so if I become a stranger again - you know why.
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes! We are SO thankful for all of our friends and family! A special thank you to my mom who has been amazing since I have been put on bedrest. Anything I need, she has gotten for me and comes down at least every other day to see me. I am so thankful that she is my mom!

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