Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Prayer Request

I am posting this on here because I hope to reach more people (and got the idea from another fellow blogger/friend and thought it rocked!)

I am asking that you all pray for the Lawrence family. Logan was one of the guys on my crew at work and he passed away on Sunday morning at the age of 23. He leaves behind a wife and 2 very young children.

Please keep his family in your prayers. His death was quite a shock to everyone.

Thank you


Joy said...

May GOD wrap his arms around this family and let them know HE is there with them in this grief.

Fight to Flourish Fitness said...

How tragic...Logan and his family are in my prayers.

C said...

It always breaks my heart to hear of someone so young dying. To the Lawrence family: May God help you find the peace you need to get through this.
