Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Rock 'em Sock 'em Robot Babies!

We went to the dr on Wednesday and the babies are doing great! My blood pressure is really good and I have only gained about 9lbs! Yippee!!!! :)
Baby A (the one by himself) was dancing around and mooning us! He kept turning his back to us and didn't want to have his picture taken! He is a stinker I tell ya what!!! LOL
Babies B and C were boxing! Full on swinging arms and pushing the other away!! (Yes, it's already starting! LOL) They were So cute! The U/S tech called them the Rock 'em Sock 'em Robot babies! (Do you remember that game?!! LOL) They were just too precious!

Chris went with me and got to see them too and we both were just laughing at them. I am still surprised that I can't feel them with as much as they are moving - but I am sure that will happen soon enough!!! I will post the u/s pic below.

1 comment:

C said...

awww! :)
so happy for you!!