Saturday, August 9, 2008

4th beta back and other musings....

I went back to Dallas on Thursday and had another beta and some more blood work for the study. My beta number came back at 2873! If you don't know, the beta test measures the level of the HcG hormone which is the hormone that is produced during pregnancy. Dr's like to see it double every 48 - 72 hours. My beta's looked like this:
7/30 - 250
8/1 - 379
8/3 - 600
8/7 - 2873

My doctors are very pleased with how things are progressing! I go back on the 18th for my 1st ultrasound and am praying that we will be able to tell at that time if there is one or two! I have been comparing my beta numbers with my friend, Laura (who is the mother of twins) and they are very similar so that leads me to believe, along with the fact that I am already out of my normal pants, that we have a pair in there! I can't wait to find out!
On another topic, Amy and I went shopping today for bigger pants because I was very uncomfortable in my normal clothes the last couple of days. So, because I have an irrational fear of squishing the babies (LOL) we went to Motherhood today because they were having a sale. I got a matching set (top and pants) and pair of black slacks, another shirt and a tank top. I feel much better now that I have clothes that are more comfortable - even though many probably think it is way too early to buy maternity clothes - I don't care. I can't stand tight clothes and am uncomfortable walking around with my pants unbuttoned! LOL

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