Sunday, August 31, 2008


Thursday we went for our second ultra-sound and got the shock of our lives..... There is ANOTHER baby! We are having Triplets! One of the embryos split after implantation so two of the babies are in the same sac and the other baby is in it's own sac.
We are very excited and shocked at the same time. We are still trying to take all of this in. We know that God has a plan and that He would not have given us this blessing if He didn't think we could handle it - but at the same time - what a SHOCK! It took us about a week to get used to the fact that we were having two babies and now to find out that we were having three really threw us, me especially, for a loop! We go back this coming Thursday to have another ultrasound to see if they can get a better look at the identicals.
I am feeling ok, not great. I am extremely tired and hungry all the time! But, on the bright side, I have not had any real sickness with this pregnancy. Just a small amount of queasiness if I don't eat soon enough.

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