Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why do people say stupid things?

***Warning Rant***

I was asked on Friday if I was "out of the danger zone" yet. When I said that in a high risk pregnancy, you are never really out of the danger zone, the response I received was "Why are telling people then?"
That made me angry.
Why, after struggling for 6 years to get to this point, would we keep it a secret???
I understand that many woman choose not to tell anyone until they are out of their first trimester and that is great and wonderful - for THEM. It's not for me!
We have fought for many years and endured tests and procedures and answered just about every question regarding our sex life imaginable, and still we continued to fight for our dream even though at times we felt like giving up - but we never did.
I am not going to downgrade this pregnancy or make it seem any less than what it is by hiding it. This is an answered prayer for us and we are ecstatic to have this chance. We cannot wait to meet our little one(s) nor will we change our outlook on this pregnancy.
This is one of the happiest and exciting times in our lives and IF - GOD FORBID - something happens to this pregnancy we will deal with it at that time, but we refuse to live with a black cloud over our heads thinking the worst is going to happen. We lived in sadness for too long while we struggled with our infertility - and we refuse to allow that negativity to enter into our lives now.
So please - to everyone who has an opinion about the right time to "tell" people - remember that everyone has their own opinion about everything and to please keep it to yourself. Couples who suffer from infertility have to deal with comments that are hurtful all the time - raining on their parade after they succeed is just wrong. Please stop.
*steps off soap box*


C said...

You tell them girl!!! I know exactly what you mean. I want to get to the top of the highest mountain and be able to yell it out loud to the rest of the world.

Derek and Mckenzie said...


I have not posted on BBC for about 8 months but I have been following you and your journey I totally agree with you. when me and my DH had to MC back in November of 2007, we new it was a possibility that it was entopic and a high risk and we still told everyone because we new we would need all the support and understanding if the worst happened (unfortunately it did and we are still trying for a miracle of our own.) I am sooo happy and excited for you and Chris I hope that one day I will be in your shoes but this could not of happened to 2 better people I miss posting and talking with everyone. I hope that you will have a very health pregnancy and enjoy every moment of it (I know you will) tell every one hi on the BBC for me and again congrats on the BFP!!!

Love always