Sunday, June 8, 2008

French Fries are deadly weapons

I think we are slap happy on cholesterol and fast food from eating out for 10 days! LOL
I think the fat got to us this morning and we got into a French fry fight! LOL
Chris went to get lunch and while he was gone I took a shower. He got home just as I was getting out of the shower and was getting dressed. Well he went to set the bag of food (or what some places are passing their crap as - but more on that another time) and the bag tipped over and dumped his fries all over the table and on the floor.
So instead of being an adult - because we all know that isn't any fun - he grabbed them off the table and started throwing them at me. Of course, not to be outdone, I started throwing them back and the war started!!!! :D
Now, if you know anything about me, you know that I 1) have NO hand/eye coordination and 2) throw COMPLETELY like a girl and have NO aim and 3) am scared of the ball!!! (or whatever is being thrown at me).
So, while we are bombing each other with fries, I was pleasantly surprised that several of my fries landed where I intended them too!!! Long story short, while I was celebrating at my ONE well landed shot, Chris chucks another one at me and hits me right in the face with it!!!! And of course, I closed my eyes and jerked back onto the couch because we all know how deadly French fries are!!!!!! Thank God I had my glasses on and I was protected from the vicious attack!!!! LOL Best part - I had a perfectly shaped grease mark on my glasses that looked like a French Fry!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO

"Its all fun and games until someone loses an eye!"


Unknown said...

That is to fricken funny I can just see it I think that is what makes it so funny. Gary and I both got a chuckle out of that one...Welcome home today!!! Cassie is going to be SOOO Happy to see you.

..Soo.See.. said...

Omg how funny!! I can just imagine a fry coming at me in slo-mo! Hahaha! I had to majorly catchup b/c while on "rest" after ET I didn't go online, just lazied around and took cat naps.

Sorry again abt your aunt. Happy bday to your nephew and hope your pap comes back great so you can get this going girl!!

And thnx for explaining what the study was for. I was wondering what was being studied, but kept forgetting to ask.