Monday, June 2, 2008

The singing Mariachis

This is the 4th day of our trip to Dallas and we have met quite a few interesting folks this time in the Lone Star State. From the mother who entertained her child in the seat behind us on the plane by allowing him to kick my chair the entire ride to Dallas, to the adorable little girl in the shuttle to the car rental area who kept petting my leg and saying "Hi!", to the guy at the front desk of the hotel that couldn't speak very fluent English and when I asked him how to get to our room he just smiled and nodded and said "Yes Yes" (LOL), to the dancing dude that was crossing the street last night. He was just jamming to absolutely nothing while waiting for the light to change! I was trying not to stare - but it was so hard NOT to! LOL
I think we have hit an all time high tonight though.... let me introduce.... Ta Da Da Da!!!........
The Singing Mariachis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have a group of guys in the room next to us who sing and sing and sing and sing. I will turn the tv off to listen to them and it sounds like they are singing old Spanish Mariachi songs - like the ones that go "Aiii IIII yiiii yaiiii" and based on the banging on the walls - I can only assume they are dancing too. *shrug* I want to go out in the hallway and listen at the door but I sure that behavior would be "frowned upon". :D ROFL
On a funny note - Chris decided he wanted to join the band and started singing "We are the World" really loud and they shut up!! ROFLMAO! He cracks me up I swear!


Unknown said...

You guys are having an interesting time I see!!! So how are you doing? Everything on a good track yet? Oh and no more late nights singing with your Hotel Neighbors....LOL

..Soo.See.. said...

I LOVE mariachis! But the real ones... even though funny, im sure its annoying at times. How else has it been going?