Saturday, July 12, 2008

3rd Doctors Appointment

I just got the call...
My estrogen is 1042 and I have about 10 follicles that are growing good. I don't remember the exact numbers of all of them but I do remember that I had 2 @ 12 and 2 @ 11 plus numerous smaller ones measuring @ 9. My nurse wants me to lower my Follistim to 75 tonight and tomorrow and keep the same dosage of Menopur and Lupron and go back on Monday.
Things are moving right along!!! Yeah!


Travis & Crystal Bennett said...

Sherry that is so great! ive been praying for you for this month and i feel that God will be working in both our lives this time around :) keep your great faith and trust in Him!

Joy said...

I am excited for you all! I hope that things keep progressing well and we hear that you get your BFP this cycle!

C said...

Sherry awesome news!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for healthy and mature eggies! It's neat to see how fast everything seems to be happening! I'm routing for ya!!


..Soo.See.. said...

Yay sherry! 10 is really good! Hope today's appt will show more growth! I'll be checking in for an update! FX!