Monday, July 28, 2008

One day left.....

We have one more day until our beta! I am so excited! I am 12dpt7dpet. Which for all of you who don't speak BBC speak that means that I am 12 days past the trigger shot and 7 days past embryo transfer. Oh and a beta is a blood pregnancy test. Come on Team Florian! We are waiting for you!
Special Message to Abby and Kadabbie : The Wondertwins~
To our beautiful babies - we hope you have decided to stay with us for a while because we already love you so very much. We promise to play with you, support you, trust in you, and believe in you. We love you our babies!

Wide eyed

Wide eyed
and hopeful
that my womb
will bear
untold treasures

Wide eyed
and hopeful

that I will feel
the sweetness
of love

Wide eyed
and hopeful
but sure
that I will know
the dawn
of a new creation


Anonymous said...

I am crossing my fingers, legs and toes for you! :)

Joy said...

GL today. Chandler and i will be thinking of you!